To commemorate the Year 2000, members of the Découpage Guild Australia Inc. under the direction of Artist In Residence, Frank Baxter, worked together to complete this TRIPTYCH as a tribute to the art of Découpage using images from the early 1900s up to the year 2000.
The TRIPTYCH comprises 168 découpaged hexagonal tiles made from MDF – approximately 8 x 8 cm. The tiles were mounted onto a framed three-panelled screen which was also découpaged with fine cut outs and elaborate mouldings. With 68 tiles in the centre panel and 50 tiles in each of the side panels the “Reflections 2000” triptych is 1½ metres tall.
The project commenced in August 1999 and was completed eighteen months later and presented to the general public and members of the Découpage Guild Australia at the “Artistic Reflections” exhibition held at the Camberwell Centre, Victoria from 7 – 9 July 2000.
“Reflections 2000” is a fine example of découpage and is a tribute not only to the artists from the early 1900s to the 21st Century but to the dedication and artistic skills of the members of the Découpage Guild Australia Inc.
It is on permanent loan to St. Vincent’s Hospital and is currently displayed a wall at St. George’s Hospital, Kew, Victoria.